Sentences With Opposite Words Antonym Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Opposite Words - Definition, Meaning, Examples - English Grammar Notes Opposite Sentence Examples. opposite. Meanings. Synonyms. Sentences. They rode up the opposite hill. 216. 77. Without another word, he turned the horse and kicked it into a trot in the opposite direction. 340. 238. Dean began to walk in the opposite direction from which they'd come. 174. 118. The Word "Opposite" in Example Sentences - Page 1 - Examples of 'opposite' in a sentence. Go to the dictionary page of opposite. Examples from Collins dictionaries. Jennie had sat opposite her at breakfast. He looked up at the buildings opposite, but could see no open window. He sits in one chair, I sit opposite. All the cars driving in the opposite direction had their headlights on. 100 Examples of Antonyms with Sentences in English An opposite word is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. Remember, adding "not" after a verb does not create an opposite word. The output is just a negative sentence. Another word for "opposite" is "antonym". For example, synonym means the words with the same or similar meaning. PDF B2 Opposites GV009 - English Practice How to Use Opposite Words in Sentences. Opposite words are an essential part of English vocabulary. They are words that have opposite meanings and are used to express contrast or opposition between two things. Using opposite words in sentences can make the writing more interesting and engaging. Here are some tips on how to use opposite words in ... Examples of "Opposite" in a Sentence | awful, dreadful, inferior, lousy, rotten, stale, terrible. Adding a Prefix to Make an Opposite. Sometimes you can make a word opposite by simply adding a prefix, like un-, non-, in-, or im-. Take a look at the chart below to see more examples of antonyms: Advertisement. Purpose of a Dictionary of Opposite Words. Common Opposite Words in English. Below is the list of common opposite words in English, organized alphabetically from A to Z. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. Y. Z. Opposite Words in English Exercises. Exercise 1: Match the words on the left with their opposites on the right. Answer Key: Happy - Sad. Examples of Antonyms: Types of Opposite Words | YourDictionary B2 Opposites GV009 Complete these sentences with an opposite of the verb in BOLD. Use the words from the box. Make sure that you use the correct form of each verb. The first one has been done for you. ABSENT - BORROW - BRIGHT - CATCH - DEFEND - DEPART - DENY - FAIL - FILL - FORBID - GUILTY - MINOR - PERMANENT - PUBLIC - PUNISH - RECEIVE - SAVE - Opposites - Home of English Grammar NekoKanjya 715724 A man was fishing on the opposite bank. Guybrush88 3120525 Her house is just opposite the bus stop. raggione 2697822 It usually has just the opposite effect. Guybrush88 2268026 The car's parked opposite that building. _undertoad 68158 They live in the house opposite to ours. Opposite Words in English, Definition and Example Sentences Night - Day. Arrive - Leave. Junior - Senior. Better - Worse. Right - Left. Rich - Poor. Smart - Stupid. Small - Big. Examples of Antonyms (Opposites) Opposites (Antonyms) Types of Antonyms/Opposites. Complementary and Binary pairs. How to Use Opposite with Example Sentences - English Collocation OPPOSITE in Thesaurus: 1000+ Synonyms & Antonyms for OPPOSITE Words that have opposite meanings are called antonyms in English. It is possible for a word to have more than one antonym. Because a single word can have more than one definition, the opposite word will vary depending on the context. Opposite Words: Expand Your Vocabulary with These Simple ... - ESLBUZZ opposite (n): a person or thing that is completely different from someone or something else. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with verbs: " They say that opposites attract. (attract) Used with adjectives: " I am the total opposite of him. 300+ Opposites (Antonyms) from A-Z with Great Examples • 7ESL sentences. thesaurus. Parts of speech. nouns. adjectives. adverbs. Synonyms. Similar meaning. View all. contrary. reverse. opposing. opposed. antithesis. contradictory. converse. inverse. different. conflicting. opposition. antithetical. facing. diametric. counter. antonym. incompatible. polar. against. contrasting. divergent. dissimilar. Opposites. January 14, 2015 - Complete the second sentence in each pair of sentences given below using an adjective opposite in meaning to the one in the first sentence. 1. The elephant is a large animal. The mouse is a ………………………. animal. 2. It is hot in summer. It is …………………. in winter. 3. Today it is very cloudy. Tomorrow will be a ………………….. day. 1. What are opposite words? An opposite word is a word that expresses a meaning as opposed to another word. 2. Give examples for opposite words? Examples of opposite words include: good- bad. Open- Close. Bright- Dim. Honest- Dishonest. Updated December 13, 2021. Image Credits. Antonyms are words that have contrasting, or opposite, meanings. Like so much of the English language, the word antonym is rooted in the Greek language. The Greek word anti means "opposite," while onym means "name." Opposite name — that makes sense! OPPOSITE in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Opposite. When exploring language and communication, understanding the concept of opposites is essential. Opposites are words that convey contrasting meanings or ideas, creating a dynamic relationship that enhances the depth and clarity of communication. Finding the Opposite of Words | YourDictionary Opposite Adjectives | Learn English List of Antonyms with Pictures and Example Sentences : a word of opposite meaning. The usual antonym of good is bad. antonymic. ˌan-tə-ˈni-mik. adjective. antonymous. an-ˈtä-nə-məs. adjective. antonymy. an-ˈtä-nə-mē. noun. Did you know? Some Differences Between Synonyms and Antonyms. The English language (and, we may presume, many other languages) has both antonyms and synonyms. Examples of 'OPPOSITE' in a sentence | Collins English Sentences What Is an Antonym? Definition and Examples | Grammarly 1100 Opposite Words, Definition and Example Sentences Most Common Opposite Words. stop-go; forget-remember; former-latter; forward-backward; frequent-infrequent; sharp-dull; she-he; shout-whisper; shrink-expand; sick-well; simple-complicated; sink-float; sit-stand; slavery-freedom; slow-fast; small-large; smart-dumb; smile-frown; soft-hard; solid-liquid; literal-figurative; little-big; lock-unlock ... Opposite Adjectives, Definition and Examples - English Grammar Here Straight - Curly. Light - Heavy. Loose - Tight. Beautiful - Ugly. Big - Small. Strong - Weak. Healthy - Sick. Low - High. Poor - Wealthy. Short - Tall. Thin - Fat. Insane - Sane. Bad - Good. Straight - Crooked. Deep - Shallow. Dark - Light. Lazy - Hard-working. Brave - Cowardly. Cheap - Expensive. Distant - Near. Example Sentences with Opposite Adjectives. My body is old, but my soul is still young. In this exam, three mistakes lead to one right. The company, which has been gain for years, started to lose it all at once. They have two children, one very good and the other a bad son. Here is +100 Opposite Adjectives List. Slow - Fast. Thick - Thin. OPPOSITE in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Opposite Matt Ellis. Updated on August 22, 2022 Grammar. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. For example, hot and cold are antonyms, as are good and bad. Antonyms can be all types of words: verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and even prepositions. Opposite Words in English: Learn the Common Word Pairs Opposite Adjectives: List of Opposites of Adjectives with Pictures • 7ESL 1. That road is really (safe) ___ at night, be careful! dangerful. dangerous. 2. I can't believe how (expensive) ___ Ikea is! pricey. cheap. poor. 3. She's the girl with (curly) ___ brown hair and glasses. straight. dark. short. 4. The flat is so (clean) ___ it's disgusting. dirty. old. wash. 5. I have never been (fat) ___, but I don't want to be. 100 Examples of Antonyms with Sentences PDF. 1. Hot - Cold: The coffee is hot, but the ice cream is cold. 2. Big - Small: The elephant is big, but the mouse is small. 3. Happy - Sad: She was happy when she got the job, but now she's sad. 4. Fast - Slow: The car is going fast, but the turtle is moving slow. 5.

Sentences With Opposite Words

Sentences With Opposite Words   Antonym Definition Amp Meaning Merriam Webster - Sentences With Opposite Words

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